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medal 5000
6 years 148 days ago

With 3 races to go on an existing contract, I decided to resign a member of staff to ensure I didn’t just lose that role in 3 races. 

They agreed which was fine but then immediately announced their retirement at the end of their contract - now 50 races away!

To sack them, it costs the whole contract value (now £16.8 million for 48 races!). 

This would be fine except I have now no choice but to retain a lowering quality member of staff without the option to auction or release for a reasonable fee.

There now literally going to just cost their wage until the next 48 races come to an end! I have looked at a new, higher rated member of staff who I will have flexibility with to grow and move on if need be. However I still also have the retiree, getting worse as I level up! 

Surely we should have an option to remove a retiring member of staff for a lower fee in this scenario!?

Welcome your views. 
medal 5000
6 years 146 days ago
It took some re-reading before i understood the problem. Resign n re-sign are opposites. Ur flying british colors u should know. But that aside.

I can only give tips on the subject. Soooo
Maybe n admin is kind enough to help u but if not id say, just stick it out with ur current staffmember. U r level 9. Its 3 seasons. In the meanwhile try n save as much money n coins as u can. if u race on a daily basis its over in no time. U'll come out stronger with all the cash n coins saved. Slow progress is not a bad thing.
Rapid expansion usually leads to a sudden demise.

Atm im doing the same (without ur staffproblem)(n a bit higher) just sit it out a couple seasons in the back of the pack. 
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 142 days ago
Moving this to suggestions forum.
medal 5000
6 years 139 days ago

It took some re-reading before i understood the problem. Resign n re-sign are opposites. Ur flying british colors u should know. But that aside.

I can only give tips on the subject. Soooo
Maybe n admin is kind enough to help u but if not id say, just stick it out with ur current staffmember. U r level 9. Its 3 seasons. In the meanwhile try n save as much money n coins as u can. if u race on a daily basis its over in no time. U'll come out stronger with all the cash n coins saved. Slow progress is not a bad thing.
Rapid expansion usually leads to a sudden demise.

Atm im doing the same (without ur staffproblem)(n a bit higher) just sit it out a couple seasons in the back of the pack.

Just a cost thing; sure, its not breaking the bank and I'm making progress but this could happen to others and ultimately is an annoyance as any additional $ is valuable. Would like to understand if anyone else has had the re-sign/resign issue and leaking funds...
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