Suresh Krishnan medal 5000 13 years 85 days ago
is it possible to race in multiple leagues. ? i have already joined a league and completed 1 race. if i try to open other league invite i happen to see join leaugue option . Does it mean i can join multiple league? pld let me know

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 13 years 85 days ago
You can\'t join multiple leagues, as this would be much more complex to manage both for us and for you. How would you know which car you were designing for which league? etc. It would be too complicated.
However, we will be adding a friendly race system in 2012 which will allow you to organise fun races with friends any time. This could theoretically be used to create a league outside of iGP Manager, where you hold races on certain dates with your friends and add up the totals outside of our systems.

Suresh Krishnan medal 5000 13 years 85 days ago
I subsrcibed for 2d pack thought i will have subscription advantage to play multi leauge ;) lol but ya i understand now and thank u so much for u r quick response ... u guys are doing great work

Andersen trc medal 5000 13 years 85 days ago
and what about leaving a league that has no races until few days and in this time playing in another league ! if I come back in my first league will I lose my points?

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 13 years 85 days ago
You keep the points if you return in the same season. Every time you leave a league though penalties are applied to your team. You would soon go bankrupt doing this and would be completely uncompetitive. The filters were put in place to prevent exactly that kind of league hopping and racing in a league more than once every 24hrs.

Nate Connell medal 5000 12 years 356 days ago
Why does it say that as a 2D pack holder you can host 10 leagues?
By what you just said you can only have one league at a time

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 356 days ago
you can host 10 when you subscribe but you only race in 1 league.
hosting a league doesnt mean you have to race in it.