Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 126 days ago
So we are at the end of the season. I've worked my proverbial off to be at the top. Then in Japan, I log in just before the race to check what the weather is doing. I set a 13/13 Med/Hard and a 12/14 Med/Hard (incase the weather stops as no way of telling). I then set 3mm Wet and 3 laps Int in advanced settings. So WHY then when the race started was I on Wet tires with 2.5mm rain level? The entire race the level was 2.5mm, didn't change.
Jack Basford medal 5404
CEO & CTO 6 years 125 days ago
I believe if there's rain / water on the track it will fit your default wet weather tyre for the start.
That said, would you really want it to have ignored that and started on Mediums as instructed? It would have been far worse driving around on those! Seconds per lap slower than Wets.
Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago
For about 4 months I've always done a normal strategy, this one, worked without fail until today. As I can't look back on my setup/strategy then there is a question mark. I did though remember saving the strategy. The 3mm rule (advanced settings) kickes in WET tires when you start over 3mm of water. That's what this is about. Why was I on WET at 2.5mm, it's a real waste of time and the weather function which I enjoy is actually ROULETTE, which I don't enjoy and has NO part of being included in a manager game.
Jack Basford medal 5404
CEO & CTO 6 years 125 days ago
I sympathise with your situation and understand this might seem counter-intuitive given the strategy entered. I'm just explaining how the game will have viewed this so you can avoid it in future. From what you describe, nowhere was it specified to use Intermediates (the ideal tyre for these conditions), so they wouldn't be used. There were two possibilities from the strategy that had been created: starting on Mediums or Full Wets. The game opted to start you on Wets which was by far the lesser of two evils (driving around on Mediums would've been much slower).
In a nutshell, what I'm saying is the advanced strategy doesn't follow the water depth rule at the start of the race. If it's raining and there's standing water it will assign the chosen wet weather tyre from advanced strategy.
Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago (edited 6 years 125 days ago)
So many times in the past we were following this rule. If above 3, then you get WET when setup in this manner, when below 3 you get INT, you can opt for a dry strategy and the wet strategy kicks in when wet or you get INTS if below the threshold you enter IE: 3mm. I just feel that something is definitely going on in the game, it changed, something isn't right. The way I know and I'm possitive is the other manager who I advised 3 seasons ago has followed my rule religiously, it worked, suddenly today after all these changes and updates the whole thing goes tits up. We are messaging each other IN RACE going what the hell just happened? I think it's about time to throw in the rope. As someone who is self employed, this game holds attention for a laugh.... when it does what it should. For those of us that are OCD and succesful, there's no point bothering if the programing is sketchy, you spend a season fighting, turning up for races, apologising to people (in reality) that you need to do something (race) then the system or something screws it all right up. The wet setup has always been a problem. Let's say I did enter the correct settings, the game didn't work, what then? I lost 57 reputation points. 57! spent the last 10 races building that up.
Jason Chen medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago
Jack, seems that the Advanced Strategy should allow the player to choose at which water level should dry tyre be used, at which water level should inters be used, and at which water level should wet tyre be used. We should be able to specify up to 1 decimal place (e.g. use inters if "0.3mm < water level < 3.0 mm").
Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago
Exactly Jason. Agreed, that's my point entirely. So is the advanced options working, or not working like in the last race? If someone could analyze the data it would be much appreciated and in everyones interest.
Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
The problem has continued and the same thing happened in Brazil. Set 0.3mm - use hard. Race started at 0.25mm and I was automatically placed with wet tires. So obviously something still very wrong with the advanced settings.
Jason Chen medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
For the moment, I would suggest manually setting the tyre for the first stint if possible.
Kevin Taylor medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
In my experience, if it's dry when lock down occurs but begins to rain during the 10 minute qualifying session your car will arrive on the grid with whatever wet tyre you selected in advanced strategy regardless of the water level.
If it is raining at lock down and stops raining during the 10 minute qualifying session your car will arrive on the grid shod with the dry tyres you selected in advanced strategy, again regardless of depth of water on the track.
Armed with the above knowledge and by taking into consideration the weather conditions just before qualifying begins you should be able to work out what tyres to choose as the default for stint 1.
I'm not going to go into any more detail as it will take the fun out of working it out for yourself.
If you're attending the race, set the water level value to 5mm and the number of laps when it stops raining to 50 and this will effectively disable auto-pit (for weather, not fuel) and leave you to manage the tyres to suit changing weather conditions.
That's what I've been doing for the last 18 months and although I've made some monumental strategy errors it's always been my fault. I haven't experienced a surprise pit stop or had unexpected tyres fitted.
Bo Alberti medal 5000 6 years 122 days ago
The advanced settings are for in-race events for people that can not attend.
I think it 'worked' for u for the last 4 months cus the last 4 months have been summer and (wether or not global warming, ill leave in the middle) were particulairly hot.
But to be fair. It looks like u r trying to blame igp for something that is simply your own damn fault.
U say u checked the weather, yet u still opt to put dry tyres on your car......
If id works the way u say it worked for u... id call it bug abuse.
Ill end my reply here cus i feel like it is turning into ridicule.
Goodluck with your strategy.
Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 122 days ago
Lets say you don't enter any ADVANCED setting in, and its raining at the start, you WILL arrive with Intermediate tires. The 1mm, 2mm or 3mm options are to specify WHEN your team automatically either pits, or receives WET tires. Lets say you set it to 2mm, depth and at qualifying the depth is 2.3mm, then in the past you arrived on the grid, at the start with WET tires. The rule being if the depth is higher than your threshold setting, then your managers instructions enter into effect. I've been playing since March and this is what I have always found. I then advised others and it was what WE found. This now doesn't seem the case, both Japan and Brazil at the end of last Season, the AI delivered me on the grid with WET tires below the threshold I'd specified, contrary to any race I'd entered before. If the Threshold option doesn't work at the qualifying stage of a race, I'd like to know. It seems a pretty strange option to include if it only works while race is in motion, IE; the threshold option is useless for pre-race, start setups. So with it raining tomorrow in Australia, no definitive answer, I'm posting again. Is it, or isnt it, working like it always has, previous to the recent updates that occurred? or have the rules changed? Or perhaps it's not working like it should do?
Kevin Taylor medal 5000 6 years 122 days ago
Hi Luke. As I said in my post above, I have always found that if it begins to rain during qualifying you will arrive on the grid with whatever wet tyre you specified in advanced setup regardless of water level. If it begins to rain before ten minute lockout (I.e. it's raining as you enter the qualifying period) your cars will qualify and arrive on the grid with whatever tyre you specified for stint 1, even if that is slicks.
This is what I have observed for the last 18 months or more. I have never experienced what you have stated but it may just be a matter of timing when the weather changes.
Frank Thomas medal 4994 Moderator 6 years 121 days ago
Funny, it looks like it works different for everyone. Here, if it starts to rain at least anytime before qualifying (can't remember a race with rain between quali and start so I don't know what'd happen) the game looks for the first type of rain tyre it can find. First the main strategy, if that's a dry tyre then the advanced setup 'Starts to rain box', if that's dry also then even the 'rain stops X laps' selection and if finally that's a dry tyre also then it goes for the dry tyre selected for stint 1, else, as said, with whatever rain tyre found first in that order. Which amount of water I select in advanced setup doesn't matter, although during the last months that was always set at 5mm for the same reason Kevin mentioned, so I might've missed an unmentioned change of behaviour in case of different rain tyres being selected in both main and advanced strategy.
Jack Basford medal 5404
CEO & CTO 6 years 106 days ago
FYI we discovered a bug here with the water depth and fixed it in this update:
This may be related to your original complaint.