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Changing to 2 car league from

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medal 5000
6 years 124 days ago
Is it possible to change from a 1 car league to a 2 car league at the no of the season? I'm getting a lot of chatter in my league (f1 daily 100% distance lol) for changing to 2 car league, but I cannot find the setting. If there is a setting then I'll put up a poll during next season so members can vote for the change. Any info guys?
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 124 days ago
No, that's not possible. If it would be possible, it would mean that a lot of your managers would get kicked out of the league, as you can have only 16 managers per tier in a 2-car league.
The only option would be to make a new league and let everyone leave the current league and join the new one.
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