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Problem with transfer

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medal 5000
6 years 124 days ago
I can’t do any offer, somebody can help me?

Best Solution -- Selected by M S

medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 123 days ago
Can you see the countdown of the auction ticking down? If not then you'd really try another connection. Also it's not the quality of the connection but to see if a firewall is blocking some additionally needed ports for the more interactive or real time dependent elements of the game. Which is generally the case for a lot of public used or better secured connections, like at school/university or work.

Edit: Was partly intended as reply to another post now gone.
medal 5909
6 years 123 days ago
Try changing your internet connection!
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 123 days ago
Can you see the countdown of the auction ticking down? If not then you'd really try another connection. Also it's not the quality of the connection but to see if a firewall is blocking some additionally needed ports for the more interactive or real time dependent elements of the game. Which is generally the case for a lot of public used or better secured connections, like at school/university or work.

Edit: Was partly intended as reply to another post now gone.
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