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Problem with Log in

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medal 5000
6 years 123 days ago

I use more than one account. Earlier it was easy to log in from one to another as i started to write the email it popped up as i used it earlier so i didn't had to write the whole address everytime. Now i need to type the whole addresses everytime i want to sign in. Any solution would be perfect! Thanx! 

medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 122 days ago
Hi John, are you talking about the app (android/iOS) or a PC browser?
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago

Hi John, are you talking about the app (android/iOS) or a PC browser?

Its the app on android 8! 

medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 117 days ago
So what you are saying is that in the past, on the login screen, the "email" field was showing a list of previously used entries as soon as you started typing in it?
I have only one account, so don't know out of own experience if it used to do that, but I see that it's indeed not doing it now and I understand it's easier to switch accounts like that. I'll report this thread to the devs to see what they think.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago

So what you are saying is that in the past, on the login screen, the "email" field was showing a list of previously used entries as soon as you started typing in it?
I have only one account, so don't know out of own experience if it used to do that, but I see that it's indeed not doing it now and I understand it's easier to switch accounts like that. I'll report this thread to the devs to see what they think.

Yes i wanted to say that! Please let me know if somebody from the dev team has said something about it! 

medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 101 days ago
This should be fixed.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 97 days ago
Unfortunately it is not on our end. It's how your browser handles it that determines the auto-fill state. There is not much we can do at this time about it.
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