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Allow Promotions by Host

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medal 5000
6 years 138 days ago

I am the host of a new league, we brought a load of players over from our old league to our new one (we basically are a third of our last league).

We only have 3 people in "Rookie" (and sure it is early days, and we may get a lot more players before end of the season), but we feel it is unfair (if we dont get over 16 players in the rookie tier) that if they are above a certain level, they must stay in rookie, and that they cant be promoted.

So I propose the following suggestion.

If a player is above the below specified levels, they may be promoted into a higher tier as long as it is agreed by both the HOST and the PLAYER. (so some soft of "add friend" like request.. host sends PROMOTE, player says Y/N... same for demotion.

Elite:- Demotion = level 16 or below
Pro:- Promotion = level 11 or above, Demotion = level 10 or below.
Rookie:- Promotion = level 4 or above.

This way, even if we cant get players in to our league, it means those who wish to be in our league will be able to have competitive fun (I am sure there are leagues out there with 1 player in a tier.. this just shouldent be allowed! and this would be a way around it.)

Obviously, exp gain will be an issue, but this is why I set a minimum level for promotions, so people cant just be in elite at level 1.

I played 1.5 seasons and made pro (level 7/8),
I played 1 season and made elite.. (level 10)

So a good player can make it to pro in 4/5/6 levels, and elite by level 10... so I think they are fair restrictions on promotion.

The restrictions on demotion, is just to stop people demoting themselves to win every race. (but if the devs feel that's not an issue, then feel free to remove that restriction, or disallow the demotion!)
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