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Limited kers

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medal 5002
6 years 132 days ago
Hi managers, developers. I would like you to read these suggestions of mine carefully. I and my friends run an Italian community on Facebook that only talks about iGP with over 900 members. 
With the various interventions and posts we get an idea of what likes or could be improved.  One of the things we think needs to be improved is the management of the Kers
The most annoying thing in a very competitive league is to see the cars tailgating each other and then you see all the cars deploy the full kers in the last lap. 
The manager with high level even if he misses the strategy, in the last lap he goes to win consuming 100% of kers. 
And even the fastest lap or record are unrealistic

Our proposal is to limit the use of kers, for example with a maximum limit of 10% for lap.  What do you think?

By Staff 
iGP Manager Italia Facebook Group

medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 132 days ago
I'm closing this thread, because it's a duplicate of
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