Alex Purchase medal 5000 12 years 126 days ago (edited 12 years 126 days ago)
Just checked and my cars parts that I ticked have all been refited. However a race hasnt passed or started since I last checked. I mean the next race is tomorow. I checked after todays race and ticked the boxes then I checked again just now and all that I ticked is 100%.
Jack Basford medal 5025 CEO & CTO 12 years 126 days ago
As there's no way to track this sort of thing, I'll wait to see if others report it too before acting on it. Let us know if it happens again.
Alex Purchase medal 5000 12 years 125 days ago
I ticked some more boxes afterwards and they havent been done (race is about to start) so all it did really was refit in advance.