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Q3 Patch for F2P and Subscribers.

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medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
*** Added Content for everyone, F2P & Subscribers. ***

1 new payment choice. (I don't know if this is spot on or not. 1 second I think it's right and then the next I think it is wrong.)

* 30 race 2D only - To add to the current way you can pay for the game.

* For 1 month subscription on every day racing and having a 2 day break between season, this will give an average of about 28 races. 19.6 pence per race.

* For 3 months subscription on the same basis of 28 races each month. 84 races, it works out at .17.8 pence per race.

* Adding a £5.40 charge for a 30 race package with full 2D activation works out at around 18 pence per race.

* This is a slighly cheaper than paying for 1 month, but more expensive than 3 months and higher. So the advantage is not taken away from the long term subscribers.

* This will benefit the ones who race less than 5 days a week. This still works out about the same as the payment method now per month, but gives the chance for the others to get more value for money.

* 30 races are for 2 and a quarter season, so to keep it for the rest of season 3, they will have to re-new.

(This payment method could/would still work after the above updates as it will be a separate non subscription, 2D charge only.)

Fule ammounts effects sets up's and lap times.

* As free to play have 5 runs to get their set up's correct. the additional practice laps for subscribed members, can run different compounds and fule ammounts.

* This gives an added eliment to F2P and Subscription members.

* F2P will need to pay more attention to the seasons before to get a good basic setup before they can start to change fule ammounts and different tyre compounds.

* I am in my 5th season and I am still changing my base setup as it stands now for each race as I develop my ranks and staff.

* Subscribers will have the ability to have faster access to move varied lap times in testing.

More staff.

Upgraded of the Doctor.

* Your doctor should assist you in what areas to train your drivers.

* If a drivers overtaking is low, then the doctor will tell you that you should train next in Aggression and so on. The higher the doctor, the better the doctor will advice.

Public Relations officer / Company Manager.

I can't think of the best title, or could they possibly work as 2 new members.

* Staff that can deal with your contract negotiations.

* The higher your team, the more chance of landing contracts with better offers from sponcers.

* This member could be a possible unlock at around level 10 with a 2nd stage to open a few levels later.

* The building of the press office can also be used in the flash image for subscribers.
* F2P Players will have it set at 50% Agression towards negotiating and subscribed can move it up to 100% if they so wish. This will give less offers, but with higher prices.

Public Relations / Company managers offices.

Bought through the facilities, You will have a new building.

* Starting around level 13, each level of your own rank will will unlock the next upgrage of office.

* Starting at building level 1 will give you 10 allocation, with an extra 10 for each   

* F2P will only be allowed to grow to level 3 where subscription account will be able to use all 5 levels and use the extra 50 staff to more benifit.

* The staff will work with the New Staff Member because the team will be sorting our behing the sceens where as the new member will be the ones going to seal the contacts.

* Both single member of staff and building levels will have an effect on the type of contracts you can have.

* F2P would probably get the most ammount of offers, but the subs will be able to get better paid contacts for each level.

*** Once enough upgrades are added and are good enough to hold the own weight without the only thing being the 2D to subscribe into.

F2P will get the 2D but a the basic version with the all the extra Subscriber buttons locked.

These will all have a pop up, with something along the lines off. "To get this feature and many others subscribe to iGP."

Only the F2P are pretty much sorted, the rest of the subscriber updates are worked on, on a continuing basis.

Again. F2P Will only get 2D once their are enough elements to the game that justfy the loss of 2D to all users. ***

This is the last part and is big one and will be liked and disliked.

*** Subscription Unlocks Part 1 ***

These are to at least try and make the user pay once for the game to get a selection of extras that go into a basic form if they don't re-new.

It's a - "Come on now, you've played to level 15. So at least support us for a new reward."

Scouting New Tallent reasearch @ level 16. (As F2P are capped at 15.)

* This will be an add-on to an update below but only accessed by at least 1 payment.

* This will give you a special driver each month, a driver who is 1 year younger (17) than the current allowance. This driver will be exclusivly yours for the right to sign them or not for a 1 month duration.

* 1 New offer per month is just an idea as some run every day racing and some are 1 race per week, as it would be easier to do it per season, it would not be ballanced with the current payment plans.

* You will still get this as an option with F2P but it will tell you that you'll need to subcribe if you want them, temping the ones who can only afford to pay in to it now and then to subscribe.

*** Subscription Unlocks Part 2 ***

An official 2nd team.

(Again. Q3, to Q100, what ever... Announce, if it's a liked and possibity and Developed over time.

Lets be honest. Alot of people have a 2nd account. Why not use this and have an official one.

* Subscriptions will get the same extras in their 2nd team as their do with their 1st team.

* Access switch between each team through the home pages. (or Subcribers - Added access through the Flash page.)

* This way you will be able to have an official 2nd team that you'll be able to interchange staff and driver to help your teams grow.

* If you hire or fire a member of staff, you have the option of sending them to your other team. Helping you keep on top and help grow as much as possible.

* It will add another dimention to the game for the ones who want to do it, If you don't, then you don't need to use this option.

* Your new team will start half the size as your main team and will already have half of the buildings / facilities in place one they have been created.

* Use the 2nd team to train your new scouted 17 year old driver and use that team to build them up.

example on how it could work.

* It will cost you 100.000.000 to make your new team

* You start as a rookie in your own league, You will be locked to that league for 2 seasons, promotion is possible. (This is a way of keeping your rookie and pro tiers busier,)

* It will be up to the league owner to allow the option of having feeder teams continue in the same league or not.

* On completion of the 2 seasons. The managers are free to change to another league with different times.

* With a 2nd team, you may just want to race once a week at the same time as your main account, or every day, it's up to you.

Added building facility.

Youth academy.

To work with the above 2 updates. A youth academy would give you better new scouted drivers with the attributes you have set using the building.

* Here you will able to set prefrences of the type of drivers base attributes you are trying to get.

* Out of a possible 10. It will give you options to set the priority of Speed, Physical, Technial, Defending, Attacking and Mental attribues when searching for new the tallent.

* Putting every slider to 10 will give you a good all rounder for the level you are at.

* Putting the speed slider to 10 and the defending slider to 0 will give new drivers with stats that are more towars the corners speeds, over taking and higher risk takers.

* F2P will be locked to max of eith 6 or 8. Something that is still competitive, but just a little added extra for subscribers.

** I don't have an iPhone or Tablet, So I can not make comments on these apps. So if someone with ideas on more development for these, please comment and add your views. **

I have now worn myself out and come to the end. ( Thank F... for that, some say. lol)

I could probably add even more to it given more time, but I think that are the main points covered.

I feel it gives a nice all round perspective from what I think should happen and other would like to see happen in this game.

Many thanks for taking your time out and reading.

Any constructive comments on the ideas you have read in this and the others posts will be appreciated.

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