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Big mistake, please help me!!

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medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago
Hello iGP,

I made a big mistake 1 minute a go. 
I accidentally did buy 10 car parts for 10 tokens. 
But i wanna buy 10 motors for 10 tokens.
Now i can't race anymore!

Can someone please set back the tokens and take away the car parts so i can buy 10 motors?

Please, please please!!!

Many thanks to you who can help!

friendly greets,
medal 5909
6 years 95 days ago (edited 6 years 95 days ago)
Unfortunately this isn't possible anymore the devs have stopped doing the swaps as it's your mistake next time be careful.
medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago
Seems to happen on a daily bases....
I know we all gotta eat jack,
 but maybe a more clear seperation of the two or a popup question with caps (are u sure u wanna buy PARTS rookie?) could help (maybe there is, i dunno, never needed or tried to buy either of them.)
medal 5909
6 years 95 days ago (edited 6 years 95 days ago)
Bo whenever anyone makes any purchases there is a confirmation box shows up asking to double check if they want to go ahead with that decision. It clearly states if they are sure buying parts or engines but some people blindly accept. 

Problem is some people don't bother reading or are in a rush and just click accept. That's their own fault. 
medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago
I'm suffering from "chemo brain" half the time, where I couldn't even tell you what day of the week it is. I've never bought the wrong items. It's an easy distinction,   parts on the left, engines on the right. Come on, it ain't hard. 
medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago

Bo whenever anyone makes any purchases there is a confirmation box shows up asking to double check if they want to go ahead with that decision. It clearly states if they are sure buying parts or engines but some people blindly accept. 

Problem is some people don't bother reading or are in a rush and just click accept. That's their own fault. 

Ok thnx, i didnt know.

 In that case, u should charge them double if they ask for help or refunds here
Tho i must admit microsoft n everthing on the internet and such made us all pretty blind to all those "do u accept" boxes.

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