Felipe Andre medal 5000 12 years 242 days ago
When I'm preparing for a race and I click on the weather button to get the forecast it shows both a forecast for day and another forecast for the night. How can I know if the races on my league are happening during the day or during the night?

Austin William medal 5000 12 years 242 days ago
check what the local time is at the track.

Felipe Andre medal 5000 12 years 242 days ago
You mean on Google or something? Because in the game it only shows at my local time.

Felipe Andre medal 5000 12 years 238 days ago
Ok, I'm still not getting this.
Yesterday we raced on Italy, which is GMT +1 (or +2 now with daylight saving time), and the league I'm in has its races at 21:30 GMT so it was definitely supposed to be a night race. Still, during the race the weather status was "Sunny".
Any help?

Austin William medal 5000 12 years 238 days ago
I think "sunny" is used just to show that there are no clouds really. It has nothing to do with the time of day.

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 238 days ago
Felipe, when you click on practice where you set your setup and practice runs, you can see the live weather as it is, it can change quickly, but I always keep an eye on that and try to do runs as late as possible before it locks, time permitting.