Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 238 days ago
Had a race 2day at Monaco, same driver as last year, loaded old setup and he ended up nocking about 12+ clicks of wing off which made it quite low in the late 39/100 and the gear ratio was one of the highest i've had asked for on any circuit at 55/100 and was thinking that just seems weird/wrong to have such low wing around monaco and such long gear ratio but went with it anyway (everything feels good) & was alot slower than normal, i had won 1st 5 races but finished 14 secs behind in this one, its probably nothing to do with it and the other guy just did better job but wondered if any1 could tell me if thats a completly unusual setup for Monaco or is that about the norm in terms of wing & gear ratio?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 238 days ago
Don't worry about it. That's just how this game works. The more experienced and trained your driver becomes the higher his gear gets and the lower his wings are.
My drivers at the moment ask for 85 gear (at all tracks) and at tracks like Monza his wings are as low as 8. From memory Monaco was somewhere around 30.