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Auto Strategy

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medal 5000
6 years 115 days ago
I have long complained about this feature because it just doesn't work and it really needs looking into because it just ruins races.
it will at times put the wrong tyres on at the start of the race for teams or override strategy even if the manager is managing live.
For example, I have a race tonight with 1 of my teams, the rain had stopped but still wet on track so set the strategy to start with inter. i deliberately put the *if the rain stops for* option to max 50 laps so it won't interfere in my strategy. And guess what, started the race and almost all the managers got put on mediums. what's the point of me even going that extra step to eliminate the auto strategy if it overrides everything anyway. i exited the race because there was just no point.
medal 5000
6 years 115 days ago
realmente isso é um assunto em questão, porque foi o primeiro quando parei de chover eu estava com peneus w, eu queria continuar de L, mas fpi mudou para S, como configurado. e isso aconteceu com ambas as minhas equipes realmente isso tem que ser resolvido.
medal 5000
6 years 115 days ago
my race was a disaster due to the automatic tire changes, I lost many reputation points and I screwed up my finances because of this bug, solve jsso igp.
medal 5000 Moderator
6 years 115 days ago
That 50 laps override unfortunately (or fortunately usually) only works for the race itself, not for the start, same in the 5mm in 'If it's raining...'. For the start it's important to select the tyre you want to use.
medal 5000
6 years 115 days ago
I did select the right tyre, i set inters for race start, which most people did. Like i said, the auto strategy just took over and put mediums on for no reason. The point is, it doesn't work and need fixing or give the option to disable as it ruins peoples races
medal 5000
6 years 115 days ago
But the rain stopped so the advanced strategy kicked in because the 50 lap threshold is ignored for qualifying/race start. I guess you had selected medium in the advanced strategy "stop raining". So this is what advanced strategy did, it over rode your main strategy stint 1. In these circumstances you should also set Inters at 50 laps in advanced strategy.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
You still don't get the point, the advance strategy shouldn't override it or there should be an option to disable it if the manager is on live to manager the race. It wasn't even raining to begin with. The rain had stopped ages before the race start but track was still wet, hence why we all set the tyres at inters. It is silly for managers to make the effort to manage live and then the auto strategy to ruins the race. It has been broken for ages and needs addressing
I don't see why managers have to go out of their way to try bypass the auto strategy.
medal 5000 Moderator
6 years 114 days ago
Of course it should override the normal strategy if the weather does not match the ones the strategy seems to be made for, that's their job. If we as a manager think the conditions on the track are not what the actual weather seem to indicate, as in Intermediates even though it's not raining because we think or know it'll be still too wet for too long into the stint to go for dry, then all we have to do is one click to setup the advanced strategies to tell the game so.

Of course a toggle to just disable the advanced strategy options altogether and let the game go with the main strategy no matter what wouldn't hurt a bit and make the managers life a bit easier sometimes.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
You had just to select inters in the advanced settings when if stops raining. If you will be live anyway it doesnt have any bad effect on your race. Just set every tyre in stratehy aswell in advanced settings to inters and you will receive them. 
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
makes no sense whatsoever, why would you need to select inters if it rains when you are actually live on the game managing and set the race start tyres to inters. not to mention the actual fact is that for the race, it was set so that the tyres would only change if it stopped raining for 50laps, no laps had been run so logic dictates that the race start tyre choice should have remained.
I've been playing this game since 2014 and nothing else annoys me as much.
everytime it happens, literally 60% of the managers who spent the effort to be online has their race ruined and then it's like what's the point of even trying for that race.
if the game wants to encourage managers to manage live, it shouldn't be that auto strategy comes and overrides decisions made in actual time.
i totally understand the reason for the auto strategy and it is useful to a degree for managers who can't attend, makes no sense for it to be still there when the manager is managing the race live.

anyway, this post was just to flag to the developers that this feature does not work and needs fixing
medal 5000 Moderator
6 years 114 days ago
Because despite all efforts computer games are not psychic and know in advance who's going to be online and those settings come into play before anyone can enter the race viewer. Then not everyone is always able to prepare the race 20 minutes before the start and even if the weather can change in those 5 minutes of lock down, with my races it actually did so in most of my races with rain involved despite all probabilities to the contrary, and thus the game gives us a little chance to prepare for that kind of event. Also, probably, the devs give those options a double function so they don't have to squeeze another set of options into that page and we users don't have to click through that extra set to set it up every race. For us online managing that's even better than those not doing so as they have to make a compromise between start and race whereas we just save time and just use it for the start and do the race manually.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
even in normal social media apps or any simple apps, for the system to know you are online it's easy (hence why you can see who logged in latest). I'm not a dev but even I know the online status is there. Not that I'm even saying that is the solution but there data is there to do something about it.
As i said, i understand the need for it to a degree but there should be an option to disable it so it is at least given to the manager's hands to either let the system help or do it themselves. shouldn't be forced up on the managers so if the tyres are wrong, then its down to the manager and that i think is easier to swallow than making an effort and getting thrown under the bus by the auto strategy just because the manager didn't select the same tyre on the auto strategy (which is an extra step).
not sure why the defence on the auto strategy when all that is being asked in the first place is to either make it more intuitive or give the option for the managers to use it or not.
medal 5000 Moderator
6 years 113 days ago
Online status doesn't equal live managing. You can live manage without being online during race initialisation and can be online without managing the race live.

As I already wrote I do think having a button to disable advance strategy would be a good thing, so those who don't want to bother with the advanced strategy can save time and clicks. Until then it's easy enough to disable it. It's just selecting the same tyre as the first stint in both adv. options for the start and the 5mm and 50 laps (which is an annoying one in a hurry) for the race.
medal 5044
6 years 78 days ago
Frank's responses regarding how the advanced strategy options work is correct. Therefore, it isn't a bug, and I am closing this thread. This now technically falls under the suggestions category.

If I recall correctly the developers are aware that you guys have found this frustrating and are determining a solution. I have not kept up with anything regarding advanced strategy but as time goes on I will be more informed about this, which means I can document feedback about this better, which helps the developers to better address it.
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