This league is a very nice league to be in. The existence of Penalty points means tbat there is no problem about bullying or discrimination because it will be dealt with aaccordingly. I am a rookie and all of the competitors in Rookie are very active. The league was not very good at the start due to a lack of players but now with more Rookies, the competitiveness is phenomenal and I think that next year, the championship will go to the wire. As this season was the 1st season for tbe league, the Rookie championship has already been decided but if everyone does the same amount of races, the championship will surely go to the wire. Do you really want to miss out on your witnessing first hand, the competitiveness of this league. Also the league host is very helpful and kind
MTWTFSS at 10:00 |
75% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed |
| Rookie | Pro | Elite |
Teams | 14 | 15 | 15 |
Reputation | 5185 | 5267 | 5404 |
See league
Thank you for the positive feedback. More information about the league:
-Season 2 starts on The 21st of November.