Alexander Malman medal 5000 12 years 230 days ago
Um, competitor car has 117% chasis and i expect other parts as well. 2 nights ago he was struggling to stay in 3rd, now they are derstroying races. Sort it out please. I am in Aussie Teams Rookie Division, other team is GForce.

Artomy Limit medal 5000 12 years 229 days ago
Yeah, I'm kind of in the same boat. I had a 100% car any way, but when you guys rolled the design back the other night (since it was all bugged up) it's been done incorrectly or something as I now have a 101% car.
That's my design atm. I had 101% for all parts but when I released two new parts last night, the design dropped back down to 100%.

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 229 days ago
Must be a bug to go over the 100% limit, is it all to do with a rollback ?

Atom Taifos medal 5000 12 years 229 days ago (edited 12 years 229 days ago)
Yeah our season rolled over 4 times and then they reversed it, but when they reversed it, our designs reset themselves to 1% for a couple of days. The problem is, instead of reversing the design back to this seasons original design, it's reversed the design to this seasons but it's let us keep whatever updates we received whilst we had 1% cars over those two days. So if guys had a 100% car for "next season" they would now have their 100% car + whatever updates they had when we were showing 1% cars before the rollback occured so it's just added them together. Atleast I think that's what's going on any way, I'm not 100% (no pun intended :D) sure.
EG: Manager has 100% car for "next season" .. Season ends, 100% parts are fitted for new season, design resets itself to 1% for two days, and over those two days he has all parts release @ 20% increases, so when the rollback is done he would now have 120% car. Atleast that's how I am interpreting it any way.
None the less it needs to get sorted. It's not fair to have guys with cars higher than 100%, and people are starting to complain (even have one subscriber from the rookie tier refusing to race until it's sorted)