So what if people want to do Kers laps, it will only effect and ruin their own finishing spot in the race
This. It's slower overall to do that so surely you'd want people to do that? You say people just want achievements but this suggestion sounds like that's all you want too.
+1 on both comments here.
The times I have ended up saving up my Kers for a Kers lap, the particular driver is a good distance behind a driver who happens to be battling throughout the race with me
trying to use my KERS as tactically as possible. Tactical KERS can win or lose a race when you're in a very competitive position with competitive opponents. Choosing where on the track to use 6sec of KERS on Monaco 70 times over, well everyone's just gonna be in the same boat, and it will nullify the tactical side of this feature
Sure, it's not like the real thing but unless the whole AI KERS-ing will get a complete code change for this new idea, I can't see it being a change for the good.