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2 ?'s Qualifying & Pitting

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medal 5954
6 years 75 days ago
First question, how can I improve my qualification efforts?  My first driver (Homer) is 20's across the board skill wise and driver two (Marge) is 20's except for experience currently at 11.  I know that car development/setup as well as tyres that selected to start the race all make differences but is there anything I can do a setting or adjustment to improve?

In my league, I have noticed one team that is pitting both cars on the same lap and the cars often running together (meaning first and second or third and fourth) and pit at the same time.  If I remember correctly, there used to be a penalty of you pitted both of your cars together but did that rule change or is there a glitch not enforcing this?

Thank you
medal 5950
6 years 72 days ago

Read up on the guides above. 
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