I set up a league and called several of my forum Brazukas another game.
My league already has 32 members and we are with another league (as secondary) almost complete, only Brazilians.
My intention is:
My major league when you have finished the first season, will have eight vacancies in the rookie division. 8 call this other secondary links.
In the pro division, will have only 8.
1st doubts: this minor league, who are already participating and up to pro level there, you can join my major league already in the pro category, right??
2nd doubt: how is my 1st league, how the game works after the first season?
For I am in doubt as is the management for beginning of season 2, as I'll have to create a new league and the system detects that it is already the 2nd season? Or have the system automatically creates the second season and I've just got to make adjustments to schedules? If this transition season I can change options of racing days, as of 4 to 5 days now? And if I will have option to choose whether it will be a pilot as now or I can go for 2 drivers per team?