Brent Titensor medal 5000 12 years 229 days ago
Is is possible to go back and see race results from an "old league" after you switch to a "new leauge"?
I want to go back and see my results from last season when I raced in a different league but can't seem to find them.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 229 days ago

Ethan Hunt medal 5000 12 years 207 days ago
ialso wish to do this but my past league was shut down after we moved over to the new one and know i cant seem to find and data from that seasons racing, should not this data 1, still be there 2, if not be attached the the teams who raced in that leauge so the data is not lost. it was for Brit Racing from june to july. any help would be great.

Austin William medal 5000 12 years 207 days ago
Thank you Nico, I was in that league also. i thought that data was lost forever.