Jorge Vaquera medal 5000 6 years 73 days ago (edited 6 years 72 days ago)
Estimada ayuda técnica,
No se que pasa que tengo el item de conducción muy bajo, lo desarrollo pero apenas mejora, he cambiado de jefe de diseño pero se ha quedado pillado, me sigue saliendo muy bajo, antes era la debilidad del otro pero se me ha quedado permanente, así no puedo mejorar el coche....
Un saludo.
Ian Mason medal 5000 6 years 72 days ago
Hi Jorge
Please write your post in English in the English forum section so everyone can understand and will be able to help.
Failure to do so will have the post moved to the Spanish sub-forum.
Jorge Vaquera medal 5000 6 years 72 days ago
I have the problem in the driving skill, it is very low (It was the lack of the design boss), I have change the "design boss" and it is low, It hasn´t change the values to "normal". And for this reason I have waste a lot of developing point, how can I solve it?
Frank Thomas medal 4992 Moderator 6 years 72 days ago
The Chief Designer is developing every race the car for the next season, so you reap the benefits of the better CD next season. So this season you'll have to manage with his predecessors work with combining spending the regular design points you get every race from the design building and researching. At least in research your new CD will improve output but also your Technical Director influences the research rating.
Edit: Also moved to Help&Support as this is not a bug.