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Show/hide suppliers

Do you agree to have an option to show or hide suppliers on the car livery?

66.67% (16)
33.33% (8)
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medal 5480
6 years 92 days ago
In a tactical war, hiding strategy from the enemy becomes a key tool in trying to win. This is how a good strategist seeks to surprise the opponent. In the same way, as a manager, I would like suppliers not to be shown in the car, that way my strategy could not be seen by rivals. I think a good way to do this is to have an option to show or hide the providers on the car livery, as well as the option to show or hide the halo.
medal 4985 Moderator
6 years 92 days ago (edited 6 years 92 days ago)
I think the car only gets updated if you change and save it in the livery editor. So if that's indeed correct then, for a little a bit of cost for changing the suppliers before hitting the editor, you could already hide you real suppliers from your opponents. Actually mislead them even.

Still voted yes because it wouldn't hurt and maybe someone wants a clean livery for a better looking car. The sponsors and suppliers logos/logo areas are not that well worked into the livery after all and as long as there's no fleshed out contract system for suppliers (and sponsors) and automatically updated liveries there's not really actual reason in enforcing them.
medal 5000
6 years 87 days ago
Simply because the advantages and/or disadvantages obtain from suppliers are only as good or bad as managers allocation of their design points. Not to mention the drivers...and so on. 
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