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Talent for coin

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medal 5000
6 years 70 days ago
Is there anyway to trade drivers for gold? It costs 15 goin to produce talent (well, 16 if you're really lucky) but the auction price of $5.6 mil doesn't cover the cost of .Could I take talent for coin? 
medal 5000
6 years 70 days ago
I would guess the answer is no.

The team have struck a nice balance, they dont force it, but I would imagine a decent % of the income the game generates is from the purchasing of tokens (coin) for real money. Making it easier for people to earn coins would have an adverse effect on the games earnings as people would purchase fewer.

medal 5000
6 years 61 days ago
Another pay to win game?!!!!  

Glad we don't all believe all apps are fully free.... 

Good answer Jamie!
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 61 days ago (edited 6 years 61 days ago)
Another pay to win game?!!!!  

Glad we don't all believe all apps are fully free.... 

Good answer Jamie!

Sorry, I don't agree with this statement at all. You can accelerate your progress by spending a little real money but it is most definitely not pay to win.

A while back if you sold a driver or staff member you received the full auction price. This resulted in some managers exploiting the system and amassing a fortune in game money. So the devs put a stop to it, and to be fair they're not a charity, it's their livelihood so why shouldn't they make a profit out of a game we all enjoy.
medal 5000
6 years 61 days ago
I respectfully see your point Kevin.

Awhile back? A while back fuel cost less than a dime as well... sorry that was sarcastic. 
This isn't about fairness though..... 
my comment was factual and addressing current events ....  
If a commodity or a way of doing things is available to everyone it's hardly exploitation....
Charity? who's under that  impression? we all have mouths to feed and bills to pay. 

tokens = progress, more tokens = more progress...period! Not necessarily winning in some cases but progress never the less... one can dress it up at their own leisure....
It doesn't effect me either way, this is entertainment after all not something to loose sleep over. 
Of course winning every now and then feels good. But so does being competitive on every race.

that's my pov. 

thanks for reading.

medal 5000
6 years 60 days ago

Is there anyway to trade drivers for gold? It costs 15 goin to produce talent (well, 16 if you're really lucky) but the auction price of $5.6 mil doesn't cover the cost of .Could I take talent for coin? 

The price is not the same for all  the drivers....
medal 5950
6 years 60 days ago
Moved to help and support section from marketplace. 

Answer is no. 
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