Ali El-morssy medal 5000 6 years 65 days ago (edited 6 years 65 days ago)
We are experiencing the same thing in Formula F1 Asia League which is a 2 car league. We are now in Season 29 and we have never had a problem with recruiting Rookie players until the latest updates. I also run Formula F1 Asia 1 car League and have no problems with Rookies joining the league daily. There is something clearly wrong with the recruitment side of things.
I can’t work it out either Ali.
I’m hoping one of the Moderators or Jack can give some clarity in the subject......
I think I have found the cause of this problem. If you go to search for a league at a specific time, it simply does not work anymore. Also if choosing between 1 car and 2 car does not work. As soon as they fix this issue then our recruitment should be back to how it was before.
I have created a post detailing the bug with this.