Angel Chamorro medal 5000 6 years 92 days ago
Buenos dias,
En la pasada carrera, tras iniciar la carrera, en la primera vuelta decidí meter a ambos pilotos a boxes a cambiar neumáticos y de estrategia. Pues a la salida de boxes, el piloto se quedó con la orden de entrar a boxes de nuevo en la vuelta 2. Pude cancelar la entrada de un piloto, pero el otro piloto se quedó bugueado y no pude cancelarla. Quedo a la espera de vuestra respuesta para saber como se procede en esos casos.

M S medal 5736 6 years 92 days ago
Please write in English in the English forum section so everyone can understand and be able to help you.

James Greer medal 5000 6 years 91 days ago (edited 6 years 91 days ago)
Car's leaving the pit's the light flashes until they rejoin the track and you don't need to do anything, it switches off itself.
Auto-pit in most cases the Pit Light starts flashing once the car's complete sector 1 to tell you the car's are heading to the pit's. You can cancel it before the car gets halfway around sector 3.
An issue I find:
Multiple clicks of the Pit Button, seems to grey out the Button rendering it useless and it doesn't rectify itself until after the car completes a pit stop.

Angel Chamorro medal 5000 6 years 90 days ago
The problem was when they left the pit, the pit button was disabled, during the second lap, the button to enter the pit was grey and all the moment I could read "Pit In", I repeat all the second lap from I exit pit untill he enter again in Pit. I think is a bug, because was just with one pilot, the other I could canceled it