Asher Basher medal 5000 12 years 225 days ago
When the skills for staff reach level 20, that is the maximum they get to, and you get no other bonuses or skill improvement?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 225 days ago
Are you talking about staff or drivers? If you're talking about drivers then yes the maximum is 20 and no, there are no bonuses. Atrophy is always there though, so the stats don't stay at 20. You eventually have to retrain everything.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 224 days ago
The maximum level for staff is also 20.

Jason Owens medal 5000 12 years 219 days ago
I have noticed that if you click on a skill that is already at 20, then it tells you as such but does not allow you to train one of the other skills, effectively losing a day of skill trianing.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 219 days ago
Oh you are talking about the team staff.
You get no training after 20 but the bonus (commercial: +10% money next race from sponsors, engineering: -10% cost for changing parts, design: +1% on next seasons design, doctor: driver health +1 and morale +1)