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Search new league not working

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medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago
I am host of two different leagues that have been running for around 1.5 years each now.  I have never faced a problem with Rookie recruitment in Formula F1 Asia League until recently and I think I have found the reason why.  With one of my other teams I was looking for a league that ran at a specific time, however the results it showed me were nowhere near what I had searched for. It also was showing me 2 car leagues when I had asked for a 1 car league.  This I believe is the cause for why some Leagues who had not experienced problems with new recruits are suffering.

Please can someone take a look at this. Thank you.
medal 5044
6 years 91 days ago
I have noticed this as well in the recent past. I know that when a time is not found on or close to what is chosen in the search filter, it will show leagues from other times even if it's very far off.

With your other account you searched for, which league did you search, and what tier is your account in? If the tier of a league you're searching for is full, it won't show up.
medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago (edited 6 years 91 days ago)
I was searching for a 1 car league that started around 00:00. My team was in Pro. I have tried doing multiple searches and the search does not meet the criteria that I set out. Something is definitely up Yunus as my league is a very active league, so for the Rookies to have simply dropped off like that does not make any sense unless they are not being guided to my league. I have not had 1 new recruit in Rookie for a few weeks now, except for someone who used to be in the league before and manually searched to join the league.

The list below is what it currently shows when I search (using my rookie tier team) for a 2 car league at 12:00 with no foreign language leagues to be shown. As you can see, it shows leagues that are nowhere near the starting time and does not show my league which has 7 rookie spaces available and starts at 12:30pm.

thepowerofdreams 10:30
grande grid 01:00
igp1 champions 09:00
formula zero west 21:30
fia 1 championship 17:00
international racing league 18:00

Something is up with the search engine, and as a result some leagues are suffering on the recruitment side.
medal 5000 Moderator
6 years 91 days ago
As racer three sixty pointed out in his guide the search foremost filters for highest number of cars in the tier as long as there's a free spot. The remaining manual filters seems to be only applied if there are enough leagues with an equal number. But if the leagues you actually looking for have just one car less then the game rather shows that other league even though its race is 12 hours off and the wrong number of cars per team.
medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago
yeah..thats a shame,,, i cant search my ideal time for me..the search league menu is useless...
medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago

As racer three sixty pointed out in his guide the search foremost filters for highest number of cars in the tier as long as there's a free spot. The remaining manual filters seems to be only applied if there are enough leagues with an equal number. But if the leagues you actually looking for have just one car less then the game rather shows that other league even though its race is 12 hours off and the wrong number of cars per team.

I don't think this is the case Frank, given that I always used to have recruits even if numbers went down to 10 or 11 players in my 2 car league. When we had only 1 place free at Rookie level we never got any new recruits and as I booted people out for inactivity the numbers never increased. Something recently has gone wrong.
medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago
Yunus/Frank - this is clearly an issue the Dev’s need to look at.   

If a user searches a 1 car league at 9pm - it should only bring up a selection of leagues fitting that criteria.....   irrespective of how many teams are in that tier.  

I’m facing the same problem in my league - 

League not found or inactive

Decent league in Elite and Pro, but can’t attract any new Rookie players.....   despite having a post in the Forum advertising it......
medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago
I have just done a dummy test with a brand new Rookie account looking for a 2 car league at 1pm. Instead of showing me my league which now has 10/16 @Rookie level (I just added a dummy team) which starts at 12:30pm, instead it showed me a league called Train spotters which starts at 9:00am and only has 7 players @Rookie level.

This just a sample of how the search does not work as Frank stated and is totally broken.

My league is a well-run league, that has a 3 day inactive boot policy and is currently on season 29 with Pro and Elite full. If anything the search engines should be targeting these long-term leagues if it cannot follow the simple criteria that people set out using the filters. 6 of the 11 Rookie players that I have are all dummy accounts.

League not found or inactive
medal 5000 Moderator
6 years 91 days ago

As racer three sixty pointed out in his guide the search foremost filters for highest number of cars in the tier as long as there's a free spot. The remaining manual filters seems to be only applied if there are enough leagues with an equal number. But if the leagues you actually looking for have just one car less then the game rather shows that other league even though its race is 12 hours off and the wrong number of cars per team.

I don't think this is the case Frank, given that I always used to have recruits even if numbers went down to 10 or 11 players in my 2 car league. When we had only 1 place free at Rookie level we never got any new recruits and as I booted people out for inactivity the numbers never increased. Something recently has gone wrong.

The suggestion list for new players indeed seems to have a different rule set than the normal league search. In the past it looked like as if it builds a pool out of leagues with room in the Rookie tier and rotates them, with almost full or completely empty tiers having some kind of penalty which makes them almost never shown and below about half full the chance decreased quite a bit as well, but I don't know if it really works that way, it just behaved like it does.

What I do know however is at least a big part of what recently changed. It's the more aggressive deleting of inactive teams. Due to that there's now way more leagues with open slots than the system is able to handle properly and thus it's quite a lottery to be advertised to the new players.
medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago
I'm stuck with 2 rookies for some weeks now. Never happened before


MTWTFSS at 17:00
75% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
See league
medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago (edited 6 years 90 days ago)
I am just amazed because having a search engine which does not function at all, you would think that this would be the first thing they would be looking at fixing so that they don't lose new players at the 1st hurdle due to the fact that they cannot find a suitable league to play in due to being unable to search for a specific time. 

Surely this warrants a hot fix?
medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago
Ali - I’ve been messaging a few really experienced managers and they said the only way to solve it is to create dummy accounts to get the numbers up.   

When the numbers are higher, the league appears for new managers.

I did this and got my Rookie league up to 10 teams.  Last night, overnight, it filled to 16.    

I’d recommend until a fix is put in place, to try this.  ?
medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago

Ali - I’ve been messaging a few really experienced managers and they said the only way to solve it is to create dummy accounts to get the numbers up.   

When the numbers are higher, the league appears for new managers.

I did this and got my Rookie league up to 10 teams.  Last night, overnight, it filled to 16.    

I’d recommend until a fix is put in place, to try this.  ?

In that case I would need to create 10 fakes account! This is not a solution...
medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago


Ali - I’ve been messaging a few really experienced managers and they said the only way to solve it is to create dummy accounts to get the numbers up.   

When the numbers are higher, the league appears for new managers.

I did this and got my Rookie league up to 10 teams.  Last night, overnight, it filled to 16.    

I’d recommend until a fix is put in place, to try this.  ?

In that case I would need to create 10 fakes account! This is not a solution...

Exactly - a temporary solution until the problem has been fixed....    and it doesn’t look like being fixed soon.....     
medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago



Ali - I’ve been messaging a few really experienced managers and they said the only way to solve it is to create dummy accounts to get the numbers up.   

When the numbers are higher, the league appears for new managers.

I did this and got my Rookie league up to 10 teams.  Last night, overnight, it filled to 16.    

I’d recommend until a fix is put in place, to try this.  ?

In that case I would need to create 10 fakes account! This is not a solution...

Exactly - a temporary solution until the problem has been fixed....    and it doesn’t look like being fixed soon.....     

Then, could you move some of your fake accounts to my league please? ^^

I don't have 10 emails to create accounts...

medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago
Sen just make up any non fictional email. It will work.
medal 5000
6 years 89 days ago
Dear all, I may have found a cause of this issue, especially for players using the app on Android! I started to create fake accounts, as recommended here above. But from the phone, impossible to filter or look for a league. You have no choice than selecting one of the proposed league by default! Of course, if your league is not in the list, you'll never get any new players. I had to connect through a web browser to be able to filter the leagues as I wanted... solution..? is it a bug? 
medal 5044
6 years 58 days ago
I think it's not a platform-specific issue. I've noted this for Jack to investigate, however, please understand he's absolutely consumed by other mission critical tasks at the moment.
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