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Traits of staff

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medal 5000
6 years 65 days ago
Can someone explain me how the levels of talent, experience and morals changes the development, the loss of development points at the end of championship and the speed during the race?
For example: If i change my designer chief (level 13) with an other (level 15) that has and talent -1, experience +1, morale +1 compared with the CD that i've yet, how changes the development? How changes the loss of development points at the end of championship? How changes the speed during the qualify and the race?
medal 5000
6 years 65 days ago
For staff ignore the talent, experience and morale values because they don't do anything, it's all about the star ratings.

CD: You really need 4.5 or 5 stars with a good balance of strength and weakness. The CD influences design (and therefore indirectly speed) of your cars at the beginning of next season. The CD also modifies research power. If you carry out research in the CD strength the power will be higher than indicated, the opposite happens if you research in your CD weakness. For a more detailed explanation see here... Next season's car

TD: Influences your base research power. Again employing a TD with more stars will increase your base research power. This is also influenced by CD as described above.

Doctor: Influences health loss during training. High star rating means that river health decreases less with each press of the training button. IMO the difference is not significant enough to justify the high wages of a 4.5 or 5 star CD. Personally I just let the Doctor contract expire and the game auto assigns a new doctor with a wage of £50k per race. Over the entire season this will save you in the region of £10m to £12m.

The star rating is based on a comparison between your level as a manager and the level of the staff member. If you are L14 and the staff member is also L14 they will have a 4.5 or 5 star rating. Because staff do not level up, every time you level up as a manager the star rating of the staff members will reduce. This is something to consider very carefully when renewing contracts of older staff, especially if you are new to the game and levelling up quickly. Worse case scenario is you renew a contract of an aging CD at which point they announce their retirement at the end of the 50 race contract. You're now in trouble, their star rating will gradually decrease as you level up but to get rid of them is going to cost you a small fortune.

As far as I know, other than improving the car the staff have no influence on the race. That is to say they don't help with qualifying, car pace or pit stop time.

I hope this helps
medal 5000
6 years 65 days ago
I knew how the stars works, but why there are talent, experience and moral if they doesn't do nothing? It's impossible. Something must to do.
medal 5000
6 years 65 days ago
 Probably for future development of the game but not yet implemented.
medal 5000
6 years 65 days ago

 Probably for future development of the game but not yet implemented.

Is it so, developers?
medal 5000
6 years 64 days ago
I knew how the stars works, but why there are talent, experience and moral if they doesn't do nothing? It's impossible. Something must to do.

Sorry you didn't find my answer to your liking. Actually talent makes the cars faster, morale makes pitstops faster and experience makes qualifying faster... Is that better?
medal 5000
6 years 64 days ago

Sorry you didn't find my answer to your liking. Actually talent makes the cars faster, morale makes pitstops faster and experience makes qualifying faster... Is that better?


People are gonna hate u if u keep answering like this.
I hope u keep answering like this tho.
medal 5000
6 years 64 days ago
Something I'll have to live with LOL.
medal 5000
6 years 64 days ago
If we all just close our eyes and hope for the best does that work also?? LOL
medal 5000
6 years 64 days ago
 If you are lucky it works ;]
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