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Joining a new league

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medal 5000
6 years 53 days ago

How does work the "joining in the same level" system when you change leagues? If i am in Elite manager in my league and want to change to another, there is any way to start from de Rookie level or its mandatory to start in the same level you were?
If i fall to Pro and then to Rookie then i'll start from below?
medal 5000
6 years 52 days ago
Think you go to the same mate. So if in Elites you go to Elites. Only way to go back to Rookies would be to start a new account as far as i know!
medal 4992 Moderator
6 years 52 days ago
Yes, if you switch leagues you enter the same tier you're in in your current league (Exception: If you leave a league late season while being on a relegation spot you're relegated). If you really want to enter at a lower tier you can try to go for relegation deliberately or starting a new account.
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