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List of Mobileapp Improvements

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medal 5000
6 years 70 days ago
Could we have some of the following please:

  1. Extra tab or scroll on the drivers to look at all positions in a race. We already have a full screen strategy option why not a full table of drivers with times, current tyres, Batt Level ETC. or just make the small table in race scrollable.

  2. Wages in the Transfer table. or at least in the detailed info screen under one of the tabs. there is no way to identify this in the mobile app until you own them.

  3. Quick View on drivers and staff if you click on the star rating (maybe an info button next to it) so you can see the key stats like the mouse hover on the PC.

  4. Scheduled results under the League tab - reduce the size of the Finish Column to fit in more info as its almost twice the size than it needs to be.

It would be really good to see 1 and 2 ASAP it will make a big difference.
medal 5000
6 years 70 days ago
I use mobile only. So it would be great to have this options.
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