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Auction system very bad.

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medal 5024
6 years 50 days ago
I have mentioned it before and I will mention it again. This games auction system is very very bad.
I have lost more coins than you can even try and imagine. 
Is this a way for game developers to make an extra buck ? They shoot them self in the foot by giving the game a bad name.
When knock out round start you will not win, no matter how fast you push that button. There is always someone after you and then the knock out round just stops. 
I will definitely not invest anymore in this game.
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 49 days ago
There is another option... "Buy Now". It might cost you more tokens than if you get lucky and are the only manager bidding on a staff member, but you know you're going to get that staff member for a fixed number of tokens. I think I got involved in a bidding war once and swore to myself it would never happen again. Sice then I have never bid in an auction.
medal 5088
6 years 43 days ago
Hi Lajos! Can you describe what you mean by 'the knockout round just stops'? What happens here?
medal 5024
6 years 36 days ago
I have lost now again 22 coins. Went 21 rounds with knockout. If each player bets in knockout it resets to 20 seconds. But if I bet first in the knock out and the other player bets second then it does not reset. This is a flaw witch I mentioned now 10 times before and lost allot of coins. I pay allot of money in this game to be competitive. But I think this is not right !
medal 5088
6 years 33 days ago
Hi Lajos, I replied to your thread in the Bugs forum regarding this issue.
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