Andy Craig medal 5000 6 years 18 days ago (edited 6 years 18 days ago)
I have a spreadsheet on the go that keeps what information i feel is relevant from season to season(Car setup/Tyre wear%/Push Level used/Temperature/Main tyre choice) along with a fuel calculator and a tyre wear formula that outputs all tyres and their life span onto a graph to make it easier to see visibly. As someone has said above it is kinda tailor made to what I want it to be, someone else may want to keep completely different data. Mine also does't look the best but i cant really be bothered changing the layout now so colour coded all the parts that go together - on a glance it is easy to pick out what you need that way.
i am in the middle of setting one up this is probably version 3 or 4 but once finished i would be happy to let you have a copy its got macros and would require knowledge of excel to use it and keep it updated
Andrew, you probably have a bit more excel knowledge than me. If i were to have all the trye wear %'s in a table, how would i got about creating a cell that will reference the table and allow me to choose e.g Australia: Super Soft via a drop down menu?
IGP Strat PIC - Screenshot of what mine looks like, I race at 50% length