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Looking for a spreadsheet

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medal 5000
6 years 49 days ago
Hi all, I've been looking for a spreadsheet outline (preferably with formulas already worked out) so that I can keep track of my progress and better plan my strategy. The closest I've found is the strategy tool (that is obsolete and links no longer work in the archived thread). Could anyone point me in the right direction as to where I can acquire such a tool/spreadsheet please?
medal 5088
6 years 43 days ago
I hope you find something like this, however, it seems we don't have any Excel pros lurking about.
medal 5000
6 years 19 days ago
I would recommend simply making a spreadsheet yourself. I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of various information, but it's tailor-made to my needs.
medal 5000
6 years 18 days ago
i am in the middle of setting one up this is probably version 3 or 4 but once finished i would be happy to let you have a copy its got macros and would require knowledge of excel to use it and keep it updated 
get in touch mate if interested i race in either F1 championship im sure you used to race in the same league and also international racing league 
medal 5000
6 years 18 days ago
Such thing exist? 

I mean, I've made a spreadsheet collecting re-occurring data for every race/track. It saves me coins and time. Is that what we're talking about here? 
medal 5000
6 years 18 days ago (edited 6 years 18 days ago)
I have a spreadsheet on the go that keeps what information i feel is relevant from season to season(Car setup/Tyre wear%/Push Level used/Temperature/Main tyre choice) along with a fuel calculator and a tyre wear formula that outputs all tyres and their life span onto a graph to make it easier to see visibly. As someone has said above it is kinda tailor made to what I want it to be, someone else may want to keep completely different data. Mine also does't look the best but i cant really be bothered changing the layout now so colour coded all the parts that go together - on a glance it is easy to pick out what you need that way.

i am in the middle of setting one up this is probably version 3 or 4 but once finished i would be happy to let you have a copy its got macros and would require knowledge of excel to use it and keep it updated 

Andrew, you probably have a bit more excel knowledge than me. If i were to have all the trye wear %'s in a table, how would i got about creating a cell that will reference the table and allow me to choose e.g Australia: Super Soft via a drop down menu?

IGP Strat PIC - Screenshot of what mine looks like,  I race at 50% length
medal 5000
6 years 18 days ago (edited 6 years 18 days ago)
not quite sure what your asking but it sounds like you need either h or v lookup that looks up in a table or spreadsheet and then will reference that info for you

australia ss 10                                           VLOOKUP 1,CELL RANGE,3,FALSE SO YOUR ASKING THE FORMULA TO LOOK UP                                                               THE FIRST COLUMN AND THEN DISPLAYING THE 3RD COLUMN IF THAT MAKES                                                                    SENSE
Malaysia ss 8                                         
medal 5000
6 years 17 days ago
Thanks Andrew, sounds about right in what I’m trying to achieve. 
medal 5000
6 years 17 days ago
Sheet is ready to go and as I'm a nice person will share it just contact me through my league 
medal 5000
6 years 16 days ago
I actually have made an excel sheet trying to optimise tyre/fuelload strategy by estimating the total race time. It includes a few macros based on the relation between fuelload and laptime, tyre wear and laptime and trackimprovement. It is based on the training times, actual fuel usage of past races and tyre wear percentage of your training times. It has a factor to 'calibrate' you training time with actual race time (which differs per tyre and per track).

I am sorry to say, but at the moment I find it to be too confidential to share it. It helps you greatly to find the best race strategy but will help others too much. It is better to try to find the relations yourselve as it helps you understand the game and general racing better.

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