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medal 5000
6 years 47 days ago
Since the new update, both KERS cannot be used by both competitors at the same time
It would be good to remedy and restore it when it was still working.
I play on the phone - ios - this is the problem.

medal 5950
6 years 46 days ago
Unfortunately on the mobile version of the app you can't use kers on both drivers simultaneously due to lack of screen space available, but you can use kers on both drivers if you use tablet or PC. 
medal 5088
6 years 46 days ago

Since the new update, both KERS cannot be used by both competitors at the same time
It would be good to remedy and restore it when it was still working.
I play on the phone - ios - this is the problem.


How were you able to use it with both pilots at the same time? I have not ever known it being possible on a phone.
medal 5000
6 years 46 days ago
Ios Bluetooth keyboard would mean its possible to do it with a phone like you can on the tablet.... maybe...
medal 5000
6 years 44 days ago
I pushed the KERS button and changed the pilot. 
medal 5000
6 years 44 days ago
I confirm, it was possible earlier on the phone, as Gabor writes
medal 5088
6 years 42 days ago
Interesting...we've never intended for that to be possible, but I'm sorry to see it gone!

Hopefully in the future it'll be possible to use KERS for both drivers, in a cleaner fashion.
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