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Tech guys

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medal 5000
6 years 44 days ago
Is it vital to have this chaps mental number be 20 or near as ? Or Would 13/15 do. 
medal 5950
6 years 44 days ago
Higher all the numbers for all areas the better it will be apart from the weight that's the opposite so lower is better. 
medal 4969
6 years 44 days ago
Isn't the OP talking about a Technical Director and not a driver?
medal 5950
6 years 44 days ago (edited 6 years 44 days ago)
There is no staff or driver selected, not that I can see anyway. But my first answer applies if talking about the drivers if talking about staff then numbers don't mean much but the level and stars is more important. 

? moment. Lol. 

Yes if you are talking about tech guys then numbers don't matter focus on thier level and stars. 

I was miles away ha ha. 
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