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Driver contracts

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medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Hi everyone. 
I think driver contract length should be more important. Now it doesn't make any difference 2 races or 50 races length and withdraw at anytime. About contract extentions we have only one option (50 race). 
1st suggestion: More extended contracts could be more financial advantages. For example: extention for 25 races costs %20 salary rise and extention for 50 races costs %10 salary rise. 
2nd suggestion: While selling a driver if contract length is over 3 races, you should pay a little fine.
medal 5000
6 years 60 days ago
Hi everyone. 
I think driver contract length should be more important. Now it doesn't make any difference 2 races or 50 races length and withdraw at anytime. About contract extentions we have only one option (50 race). 
1st suggestion: More extended contracts could be more financial advantages. For example: extention for 25 races costs %20 salary rise and extention for 50 races costs %10 salary rise. 
2nd suggestion: While selling a driver if contract length is over 3 races, you should pay a little fine.

Hi Ali,

Looking at the suggestion, I do support this idea. It will certainly give a bit of complexity in the Contracts but in a more meaningful way. A little touch on Contracts is something I think would be a nice addition, a nice small fix. Although I kinda doubt this being looked as Contracts are a minor part of iGP and for the most part, it really doesn't need a change. As of now, the Contracts are honestly good the way it is although a couple of tweaks on Contracts would be somewhat good to make it more meaningful, I doubt they will implement this considering how minor it is and looking at its state now, it doesn't need much change at all.

But still, it's a POSITIVE SUGGESTION! :)
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