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RaceBug-I ask for more respect

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medal 5000
6 years 41 days ago
Hello, I hope you resolve these bugs once and for all. This is a group game and strategy, so every hour counts a lot. We have advantages in the evolution of pilots and others that we lose during these bugs, because others have another day to train and evolve in several aspects. And that penalizes who is a step ahead.
On the other hand, we live and respect the game, it's important to get this respect back ... It could be doing many other things and it's frustrating when we cancel and the game just does not happen.
Very sad
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 41 days ago
Hi Eds, in such times please remember that we are affected (financially, emotionally and stress-wise) more than anyone else. When we genuinely care about the experience of the users and the quality of our product, we do not take a week like this lightly. We understand the stakes and that we can't afford to have a fault several times at the same time of day, which inevitably affects the same people each time and leaves them with just such an impression as you describe.

If you have time, please also read this post I have just written in another thread. It further elaborates on the quality of the service we are providing versus the perception some may have after this week, at least if they race in the European evening time - others will have had a flawless service all week (all month, too).

We can and will get on top of this and I thank you for your patience and taking the time to write to us.
medal 5000
6 years 41 days ago
Hi Jack, 
Thanks for the explanations, I just read the information on the link provided.  I play at the same league as Eds Barbosa, it is a very competitive league and at Elite tier we take this very seriously indeed. this season alone we have had 3 glitches that affected our races. Getting free tokens helps but it doesn't undo the damage Caused to those who have their drivers devoloped with a level higher than the managers level, while others catch up on them on free 72 hour plus 18 token. (you got my point) .

My question is:  if this is caused by some sort of maintenance glitch, why don't you do this maintenance  at a time where less leagues are being ran. I.e. 02:00 GMT

medal 5088
6 years 41 days ago
Hi Jack, 
Thanks for the explanations, I just read the information on the link provided.  I play at the same league as Eds Barbosa, it is a very competitive league and at Elite tier we take this very seriously indeed. this season alone we have had 3 glitches that affected our races. Getting free tokens helps but it doesn't undo the damage Caused to those who have their drivers devoloped with a level higher than the managers level, while others catch up on them on free 72 hour plus 18 token. (you got my point) .

My question is:  if this is caused by some sort of maintenance glitch, why don't you do this maintenance  at a time where less leagues are being ran. I.e. 02:00 GMT


Hi Ben, this was not a maintenance issue. It was a hardware issue. We always announce when we are performing maintenance and schedule them carefully.
medal 5000
6 years 41 days ago
Hi Yunus,
Let's hope it has been fixed and that tomorrow's race runs as expected. It is getting frustrating..


medal 5000
6 years 41 days ago
Please don't think that I'm speaking out of turn or taking peoples playing seriously, I understand how much people enjoy the game and when their races are affected, how much they can get upset, there are several in our league who would do the same but all I ask is that people understand that this game is just that - a game. Yes it's a game that people invest a lot of time in but it's still just a game.
I posted a while ago about my health and how iGP got me through some very tough times in my battle with cancer, it helped a lot and its still helping and I can say that we're fortunate enough not to have had the issues that are being talked about here, but if we had been, I would simply put my tablet down and wait for things to be sorted out. Then I would be thinking that if someone else had gained an advantage over me, or I had gained an advantage over them, well it's just the luck of the draw. These things happen in games where people are brought together from all over the world. Things happen in real motorsport, things that are out of the control of the driver and team, things that hand the advantage to another team but you never hear them moaning to the FIA about the weather and the fact that their car isn't as good as another teams car in the wet.
We live in an amazing age where I can chat to people all over the world and play this most amazing of games on a device that fits in my pocket.
Think about that and all the people I see hooked up to drips everytime I go for treatment before you post on here about losing a few hours of advantage you had or may have lost due to a technical problem that, really, isn't anyone's fault.
Thanks for reading and feel free to have a go at me, cos I've got far bigger battles to fight
Oh, and my utmost thanks go to Jack and the team for building this great game, if it wasn't for their dedication, support, knowledge and time, I don't know whether I'd have pulled through the way that I have.
Thank you
medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
Hi Paul. 
Thanks for sharing your story. It not only makes our posts look like rubish but also teaches everybody the real importance of life  

Nothing else to say. 

Ben Cabral 
medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
Hi Ben, I didn't mean for your posts to appear rubbish, far from it. I just wanted everyone to know that, while the game is great and glitches can be frustrating, it's only a minor frustration. I didn't want people to stop posting or saying how they feel, but I wanted people to see the bigger picture and to not get too wound up by things, it's not good for your health. ?
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