Guy Perriman medal 5000 12 years 202 days ago
I have had this doctor for 10 days and no blue line has emerge or moved is this normal or has this doctor died.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 202 days ago
I might be wrong but the staff (apart from the drivers) do not 'improve' with time atm.
This might change in the future.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 202 days ago
I think if the level is exact (say level 9.0) then it has no blue line. My drivers appear like this sometimes, and then after I train them their level is like 9.1 or something.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 202 days ago
Staff do not train overtime, their only attributes that increase is Experience, morale and charisma. (Morale & Charisma is trained through doctor, and experience through time). Neither of those three attributes effect the overall.

Clinton Abby medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
Staff level does increase David. I have a commercial manager that was level 1 last season and is now at level 2.1 or something as there is a blue line along with the green line. I believe the staff only can increase their overall if you do well in the races and meet your team goals. I will say that it does take a long time to raise a staff member's overall by 1 so it's not really worth worrying about if you are progressing them or not.