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New driver training

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medal 5000
6 years 57 days ago (edited 6 years 56 days ago)
How many days would it takes for a newly recruited driver (let's say Lv.7 T20) to reach max stats (except experience) with these condition:
- Manager lv.20
- Training simulator 5*
- Doctor 5*
- Not participating in any race (always be reserve driver)
- Training always takes place once the driver got full health until completely empty
- Not using any tokens to recover health (from Gerard) 

I just asking this for future reference. If there any other factor I haven't mentioned, feel free to comment. 
medal 5515
6 years 57 days ago (edited 6 years 56 days ago)
How many days would it takes for a newly recruited driver (let's say Lv.7 T20) to reach max stats (except experience) with these condition:
- Manager lv.20
- Training simulator 5*
- Doctor 5*
- Not participating in any race (always be reserve driver)
- Training always takes place once the driver got full health until completely empty

I just asking this for future reference. If there any other factor I haven't mentioned, feel free to commen1

I expect to that the training can take, MINIMUM 1 season (using tokens). Up to 2 seasons if you don't use tokens to accelerate the process.
medal 5000
6 years 57 days ago
Ah yes, I forgot about the tokens. Around 20 days for not using tokens or 35 days by using tokens.

Thanks for the opinion Gerard
medal 5000
6 years 57 days ago
What is the minimum level a team would need to be to achieve this with driver in yellow not hitting red
medal 5000
6 years 56 days ago (edited 6 years 56 days ago)
What is the minimum level a team would need to be to achieve this with driver in yellow not hitting red

One of the condition already stated that the manager is lv.20, so the driver only get to red (or 5 yellow?) star when all stats literally at 20, including experience. Newly recruited driver usually has experience around 5-10, so getting red star is arguably impossible (need confirmation since myself not reached lv.20 yet). 

If your statement is actually a question, I take it would be around lv.18 or 19 minimum. 
medal 5000
6 years 53 days ago
Thank you Firas the 2nd part was what i was looking for
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