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Rookie championship counted

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medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago (edited 6 years 39 days ago)
I just promoted 1st from rookie to pro and it counted in my stats as championship.Why does rookie championship counts in the manager's stats as championship...shouldn't only elite championships count???? Hall of fame championship ranking counts and rookie championships or only elite???? 

I would prefer if only elite championships were counting in my stats and in hof!!!! :)

And 1 secondary question what happens when in pro leaque there are only 2 teams how many teams are promoted????

medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 39 days ago
Every championship counts in your stats and HoF: rookie, pro and elite.

To have promotion enabled, at least half of the tier needs to be full, in a 2-car league like yours it means you need 8 teams in pro before promotion to elite gets enabled. 2 teams will promote in that case.
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago
Gert Said it 
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