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Do you always listen to driver

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medal 5000
6 years 38 days ago

When practicing for a race I have noticed that sometimes the driver sets his fastest lap on a setup he does not like. then when you have fine tuned the setup to his liking it maybe 1-2 tenths off. Should i always go with the drivers choice or focus more on the data? 

thanks for any help
medal 4993 Super Mod
6 years 37 days ago
Hi Lee, 
Looking at your drivers and their experience numbers I would suggest going with what the data says as your drivers have quite low experience levels. This means that tbey could do 2 laps that are very far apart timewise but be on exactly the same setup.
medal 5000
6 years 37 days ago
Hi Connor,

thanks for the reply, my gut feeling was similar to what you said, I was just unsure how simulated things were with this game so just finding my feet, thanks for the advise,

medal 4993 Super Mod
6 years 37 days ago
No problem.
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