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Podium at end of the season

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medal 5197
6 years 57 days ago
I know it has already been asked in the past, but I see that nothing has been done about it yet ...
- Why not put a special commemorative window that appears to the winners of the season at the end of the season, after the last race?
- Why not put a win in the game money for the team and the winners of the championship?
- It would be nice, in proportion, for the first 3 placings at the end of the season.
- It would be nice to visualize in the game a symbol or the number of championships won (as if it were a level) close to the names of the pilots and managers in the profiles and in the lists. About how the reputation is displayed on the forum.

At present, those who win only see the number of leagues won in their statistics, and who does not get to the first place does not really receive anything.
Getting to the second or last place in the championship is the same thing, so when you can not fight for the first position it becomes almost useless to play ...
Ok that Enzo Ferrari said "the second is only the first of the losers", but this in the end is a game, and as such should be able to have fun ...;)
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