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penalties for league change

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medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Can't we do away with these league change penalties !
Ok so I understand there put in place to stop league hoppers but does it really penalize them or decent people who just want to move leagues for a new challenge or because the speed or time has changed to something they had not signed up to .
For most elite players a league change (to a decent active league ) will end in relegation in their first season , so many players will stay put but become less involved or active.
 Perhaps the penalty could be changed to coins or money , this would benift all involved including the IGP bank account .
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
What about no penalties if you leave at end of season before the 1st race of next season a small period before you commit for season
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
If you join a league in the break between seasons there are almost no penalties. I say "almost" because if you have multiple CDs only the one who is active when you join the league counts towards your starting design for the first season.
For me this is a fair compromise, removing all design penalties for joining a league mid season will open the flood gates for league hoppers. Imagine you've been fighting a close championship battle for most of the season with one or two other managers then three races from the end of the season a L20 league hopper jumps into your league and skews the entire championship for the established managers. No thank you.
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Personally I don't really see how that would effect the championship as all teams fighting for the title would be effected evenly . Often you have to wait for a space to become available be that 2 races or 15 races into the season . 
Is there really that many league hoppers out there ? Should the mass'es be penalised for the sake of the few who take advantage ? Or are people scared of real completion entering their league's ?
To be the best you have to beat the best and you can only get stronger by facing stronger opposition.
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Maybe there should be a joining request rather than just being able to join a league and start causing trouble. At least then the league can have some say in who is allowed to enter. I know there are private leagues already and I don't mean that just the ability of a league manager being able to reject someone that could cause a problem? 

Also 4kdup nightmare, did you used to be called Da Boss??? I recognize your profile pic!

medal 5084 Super Mod
6 years 62 days ago

Personally I don't really see how that would effect the championship as all teams fighting for the title would be effected evenly . Often you have to wait for a space to become available be that 2 races or 15 races into the season . 
Is there really that many league hoppers out there ? Should the mass'es be penalised for the sake of the few who take advantage ? Or are people scared of real completion entering their league's ?
To be the best you have to beat the best and you can only get stronger by facing stronger opposition.

I don't think anyone in our league is scared of competition, like you say to be the best you have to race against the best. But when you say "no penalties" do you mean join another league with your current design untouched? Because I guarantee that will lead to mayhem and a lot of bad feeling. Unscrupulous managers (and there are a lot of them out there) will develop their cars up to 100 dp in all attributes then leave their current league before the Abu Dhabi race and join another after the Australia race.This will mean they will start the Malaysia race with 800 dp whereas the rest of the established managers in the league will have 370-380 at most.

So there has to be some form of penalty when moving league, removing it altogether would ruin the game for many people. Whether or not the current penalty system is too harsh is a different debate.
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Kevin of course there should be penalty. For this problem the solution could be like that:

Let say you have 800 dp before Abu Dhabi and you want to join a leage which at Germany race. Then, with the penalty your dps could be decresed to your dp before your last Germany race( Let say about 600dp) instead of reseting the dps to about 200.
4kdup nightmare's suggestion is good and can improve
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Abdulkadir that is the sort of idea that tickles my senses .great reply and great idea although maybe hard to implement. I didn't think through all the aspects of the post .of course someone joining shouldnt have car design greater than anyone else in that league ,but also they shouldn't be massively disadvantaged either .
Last time I changed league my car design points equated to about 20% of that of the existing teams .
medal 5084 Super Mod
6 years 62 days ago (edited 6 years 62 days ago)
Okay. So the suggestion I read was "Can't we do away with these league change penalties". What you're suggesting is not doing away with penalties but reducing them which is different.

In the old game there were experienced managers who would dominate a Rookie tier, leave before the final race of the season (because if they completed that race they would be promoted) and join another league in the rookie tier and dominate again. Quite what they got out of doing this (apart from winning lots of races) is beyond me but I can tell you that when I first started playing the game I almost gave up because of league hoppers. As a newbie there was just no way I could compete with these guys.

If we adopt the reduced penalty system suggested above, someone joining a league with the same (or higher) dp than the managers who have been fighting for the championship all season also has drawbacks.

First of all it is not the same for everyone. Imagine you're fighting hard against another manager all season, you're in the closing stages of the championship and your competitor wins a race. Not too bad if you finish second because the points difference is only 7. But hang on, we have a new L20 joiner who, because he has a competitive car, has just taken 2nd and 3rd reducing your lead car to 4th. The difference between you and your competitor is now 13 points.

It's also bad at the other end of the table. The manager just outside of the relegation zone has been fighting for survival all season, the new manager joins which results in him/her being relegated.

IMHO the current penalty system is very good. If you join in the break you get almost no penalty, the further into the season you join the worse your car is when compared to the existing teams. If you don't want to get relegated just join within the first two or three races of the season.
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