Vale Pao medal 5000 13 years 88 days ago
i\'ve a lot of problem whit 2d view.
during race the lap table on the right show only some split random. (for example: 3 drivers in group, passed at the first split but the tab show onli the first driver\'s time, at second split show the third driver\'s time and on the finish line doesn\'t show the final lap time and splits)
when some driver overtake another driver both disappear from tab.
during race the lap number and the drivers tab rest blocked. the driver pits right, bat i see always the same liters of fuel and the same % of tire.
also the lup number rest locked at the same time.
i\'ve try whit firefox and whit google crome.
next race a keep some screenshot to help you to understand!

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 88 days ago
Sorry you had these problems. Thanks for offering a screenshot, that will help a lot. I hope your next race goes smoothly though!
What kind of internet connection do you have, and what kind of computer? Thanks.

Vale Pao medal 5000 13 years 87 days ago
don\'t worry!! when there\'s something new, always there\'s something wrong! :)
my pc is an packard bell ixtreme 5722, intel core 2 quad cpu, ram 8gb. i\'ve an 20mega connection.
i\'m not aure todey i can see the race, anyway i\'ll keep the screenshot tomorrow.
can i send it to an e-mail??

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 86 days ago
Ok your computer/connection definitely shouldn\'t be a problem! I\'ve sent you a PM.