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Why am I going backwards

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medal 5000
6 years 33 days ago
Any idea why it seems I'm going backwards my car and driver are at a level where I should compete my strategy is the same as the leading drivers yet I'm half a lap behind 
medal 5021
6 years 33 days ago
The game is broken. Need fixing. At stage in my season now where all cars are pretty even on development. Yet i went for a light fuel strat and qualified 21st lol.. slower then people heavier on fuel.. explain..
medal 5000
6 years 33 days ago
Same happening with me apparently I have the most developed car but find myself in 21st and 22nd 
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 33 days ago

The game is broken. Need fixing. At stage in my season now where all cars are pretty even on development. Yet i went for a light fuel strat and qualified 21st lol.. slower then people heavier on fuel.. explain..

Scott. Fuel load for stint 1 has no bearing on qualifying. According to the developers all cars qualify on their stint 1 tyre compound with minimum fuel and on the same push level.

Yes you qualified 21st, but nine of those ahead of you were on SS tyres against your Softs. So you actually qualified 12th of the cars on Softs. You were only 0.169 seconds slower than the fastest Soft qualifier.
medal 5021
6 years 33 days ago (edited 6 years 33 days ago)
Tie in the fact that near every pitstop i make i go backwards loosing so many places. A one off here and there i can take but near every race every season it happens its annoying.

Lag has been bad past month or so too. Watching cars skip back and fourth in the race viewer is painful... 
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 33 days ago
Any idea why it seems I'm going backwards my car and driver are at a level where I should compete my strategy is the same as the leading drivers yet I'm half a lap behind 


You are L16 in what looks like a seriously competitive league. You have only completed two races in your current seasons the top seven teams are all L19 or L20 and all appear to have better active CDs.
The fact they have better CDs suggests they should have better car design early in the season until research allows you to catch up. To add to your woes their higher level gives them better DRS and KERS... The perfect storm LOL.
medal 5000
6 years 33 days ago


The game is broken. Need fixing. At stage in my season now where all cars are pretty even on development. Yet i went for a light fuel strat and qualified 21st lol.. slower then people heavier on fuel.. explain..

Scott. Fuel load for stint 1 has no bearing on qualifying. According to the developers all cars qualify on their stint 1 tyre compound with minimum fuel and on the same push level.

Yes you qualified 21st, but nine of those ahead of you were on SS tyres against your Softs. So you actually qualified 12th of the cars on Softs. You were only 0.169 seconds slower than the fastest Soft qualifier.

Hi Kevin, 

This is my 7th season (I still consider myself a begginer compared to the 8000+ rep managers) but ever since I started playing, I was of the impression that starting fuel level had an impact on qualifying, reason why I always start with the least number of laps on my first stint in order to help with qualifying. If what you're saying us true, it changes everything regarding strategies I have been using so far. 
Thanks for the info, I will apply this knowledge at tomorrow's race. 

As for the teams going backwards, it all depends on various factors such as CDs Used during current and previous season, quality of drivers and proper spying and design points allocation as per characteristics of each race. 
I play in a very competitive league, where the 1st and 2nd in the standings are mangers with the lowest Level (L14) the rest with levels from L15-L17.  That being said, manager Level should't be seen as the reason for stagnation in the championship, it's more about the development than anything else. 

medal 5000
6 years 33 days ago
Thanks Kevin for the reply not sure what happened but that's not the league I was on about lol it's my other account attached to this one I'm level 18 in this league but seem to be lacking in pace compared to other teams who are a lower level with worse drivers if that makes sense 
medal 5566
6 years 32 days ago
I started a slightly different thread about this a week or so ago - since gaining level 18 everything turned to crap and ended up 17th in some races with just about the best developed cars and T20 drivers maxxed out on training, happened to me and another player in our league who also got level 18 a bit before me - we've called it the level 18 curse,
medal 5000
6 years 32 days ago
At least it's just not me then
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