Sorry Yunus Unia Blunion , but the fact the rule is written doesn't in any way shape or form constitute it's being fairly or reasonably implemented or achieving its objective for that matter. Add to it the fact that most of us actually use coins to have sufficient engines to last us through the season. Frankly it doesn't make common sense.
This isn't the 1st concern I read about the # of engines we are able to store without re-precautions.
At the very least we should be allowed to have as many engines as there are races in any given season(20 or 40). You don't have to supply us with them all but you definitely shouldn't take any items we've used coins to obtain. In this particular case it happens to be engines.
I know the devs are concern about a surplus. However, having the precise quantity needed on any given race as the max. would be reasonable and do I dear say fairly implemented without causing any surplus.
I understand your concerns, however, this isn't the thread to post them in. I also hope you understand my role is to provide customer service to players — I can't control or change how the game works...however, if you'd like to see something changed, I recommend posting in the Suggestions forum, or if there is already a topic there about this, voicing your support and providing your input there.