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Rookie Jesus conspiracy theory

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medal 4894
6 years 41 days ago
A while ago the league I was in had no rookie league. Then one day we had a full rookie league out of the blue. We had that for one season with only one member active.
The next season within one day our non active rookie league has disappeared apart from two inactive members

Having no rookie members then the next day finding full league gave us the same feeling Joseph must have felt when Mary told him she was pregnant with Jesus!

Has anyone else had this miracle? Then had it taken away? :(

medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
medal 5437 Super Mod
6 years 40 days ago
I had this happen to me aswell, in my league,  Train Spotters. The only difference is that mone don't seem to have dissappeared.
medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
Yeah mate same thing and i had 2 teams log in a couple of times then right at the end of the season just before promotion time the teams were, 90% of them, gone!!! So i know what you are saying!!
medal 5088
6 years 40 days ago
Personally, I think it's something to do with the aliens.
medal 4531
6 years 40 days ago
Must have something to do with igps broken league search page. I don't think anyone understands how it works anymore. The ridiculous amount of players this game gets probably is helping it a bit too.

Either it's that or the international governing party (igp)  is hiding the real truth from us in a folder somewhere. I demand this info be released!!!
medal 4894
6 years 16 days ago

Personally, I think it's something to do with the aliens.

Could you get the aliens to respawn 16 new members for us again?
medal 5000
6 years 15 days ago
THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THE LEAGUE SEARCH!!! (STICKS FINGURES IN EARS AND SHOUTS LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA) This comment may be deleted too, because you know the truth is unbearable to read! 
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 15 days ago
All search engines in iGP don't work as they should. That's no doubt, but it's also not easy to provide one.

I can tell you to spectate a bunch of Leagues during the time you want to race and then join one that has open places.

PS. Off-topic going off topic.
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