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I want to host the league

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medal 5042
6 years 20 days ago

Request to host the league in which I participate.

The original host has been offline for 14 days.

The league is "Formula Sevilla"
medal 5045
6 years 20 days ago
Just go to the league page, click on the "league info" button (the circle with the i the middle) and click "become a league host"
medal 5042
6 years 20 days ago
The "become a league host" button appears shaded. I do not have access to activate it.

But the last 20 races I've been active.

I do not understand what could have happened so that this button is not active.

The "become a league host" button appears shaded. I do not have access to activate it.

But the last 20 races I've been active.

I do not understand what could have happened so that this button is not active.
medal 5000
6 years 19 days ago
Hi Jose
You have to do 17 races in the level you are in before you can become host, So in two more races you will be able to become host.
It should be 17 races in the league but since you moved up from rookie to pro it started count on you again. This is a known bug and is on the list to be fixed
medal 5042
6 years 19 days ago
AAhhh!! ok

I did not know, today I ran race 16, tomorrow it will be number 17.
Thank you very much for the help!!
medal 5042
6 years 18 days ago (edited 6 years 18 days ago)
this is the link of the league:

The administrator has been offline for 16 days, I have more than 20 active races and I have already completed 17 races in the "professional" category.
But he still does not let me be the administrator of the league.
What I can do??
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 18 days ago
Hi Jose, Ian made a typo in his post above. You don't have to be 17 races in the league, but 20. And as he said, it's a known problem that the counter resets when you move to another tier. So you will need to wait another 3 races before the button to take over host becomes available. I'm sorry for the confusion. 

I will check with support if they can maybe transfer the host to you manually so you won't have to wait another 3 races. 
medal 5042
6 years 18 days ago
oh! thank you so much!!

I thought there was an error in my account.
I never would have thought that Ian was wrong, ejejejee.

If I have to wait I hope but the sooner the better to manage the league.

thanks ;)
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 18 days ago


Hecho, por favor cuida bien de tu nueva liga, ¡lo lograrás! ?
medal 5042
6 years 18 days ago
Muchas gracias!! ahora mismo me pongo a ello, espero que se unan nuevos miembros activos.

Un saludo!!!
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