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A Compilation of Lap Records

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medal 5000
6 years 35 days ago
Hello all,

I've created a Google Spreadsheet to keep track of the existing lap records in iGP! Link to Google Spreadsheet

I have been scanning through the circuit info pages regularly to see if anyone has set a new lap record, and I've been keeping track of them for my own use. Now I'm allowing everyone else to view this spreadsheet.

My spreadsheet also automatically calculates the ratio  (Race Lap Record)/(Qualifying Lap Record). I find this feature useful in helping me decide which lap record might be easier to break.

medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 34 days ago
Moving this to General/Off-topic.

Interesting info by the way :)
You could still add the manager who achieved these records, then we can see if there are managers who hold the record at several circuits.
medal 5000
6 years 34 days ago
medal 5000
6 years 33 days ago
Great job! Surprising to see Bahrain record was on Hard tyre, but I wasn't playing in 2016 and before so I maybe I shouldn't be surprised? How do you know which laps the race lap records were done on?
medal 5000
6 years 33 days ago
Great job! Surprising to see Bahrain record was on Hard tyre, but I wasn't playing in 2016 and before so I maybe I shouldn't be surprised? How do you know which laps the race lap records were done on?

The current Bahrain record was set on May 29, 2018. This was before the tyre update, when hard tyres had substantial pace at the end of stints.

On Nov. 23, 2018, developers wiped the historic driver-specific race results to save data storage. However, I started my spreadsheet in June 2018, so I was still able to access all the driver-specific race results that were created after Oct. 8, 2016, presumably the last time a data storage wipe was conducted.
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