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Updating tracks?

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medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
Howdy fellow iGPers!

I don't know whether this has been asked or discussed already, but how do you feel about updating the calendar and the tracks to the newest F1 calendar? I mean, the European GP for example, it hasn't been in valencia for 7 years now!

Let me know!
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
I fully support your Idea.
It is time to update the calender....
medal 5470 Super Mod
5 years 128 days ago
If they are going to replace Valencia, I think they should replace it with Montreal or COTA. Any other suggestions  are welcome BTW
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
Hi Connor, 

Being the "European GP" currently located in Baku, i think that's the track they should replace it with...
medal 5470 Super Mod
5 years 128 days ago
Very true Strada. Baku would be a good race to see. Very long straight, but also lots of twisty corners.
medal 5000
5 years 127 days ago
yup! Well dear programmers, let us know!!
medal 5000
5 years 127 days ago
From what I've heard, the new tracks are coming soon :-) Montréal will be fun..have good memories of racing on this track from the PS1 days! xD
medal 5000
5 years 127 days ago
Hey Peter Man,

Glad to hear that! do you know if they will fully update to the newest calendar or just tweak the current calendar a little bit?
medal 5027 Community Manager
5 years 127 days ago
medal 5000
5 years 127 days ago
It would be nice to have to pick 21 tracks from a catalogue of 30 or 40 tracks from over the years that you can choose at the beginning of each season. That way the schedule could look different from one season to another making less them less predictable. Also you can avoid tracks you don't like!
medal 5000
5 years 127 days ago
What's with the smilies josé ahahaahh!! are you guys planning something?? let me know i'm curious ahahah!
Hey Drew, yeah i don't see why not, although if i was a league host i would still use the current F1 calendar but that's just me...the point is to revamp the thing a little bit! 
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