Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 179 days ago
This member of our league shows as having completed 249 races.
However, on the league management page, he shows as having completed 251 races.
Just flagging the difference

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 179 days ago
We can't see the management page, but you can see on his
Team Profile as +2 what it states on his
Manager Profile.

Richard Johnstone medal 5000 12 years 178 days ago
I didn't hax, don't ban me! Wish I could tell you what did happen though.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 178 days ago
Bugs continue in our league, the system can't contain me!

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 177 days ago
Race discrepencies usually occur when races are reset, therefore you technically have competed in a race in which never happened, so the game thinks you have completed the race twice (2 races) when league wise you have only completed 1